August 3, 2018 - Comments Off on Event Recap: Toronto Festival Of Beer 2018
Event Recap: Toronto Festival Of Beer 2018
What is TFOB?! Only Toronto's biggest beer festival of the year! With over 400+ beers to try, no wonder that you've got 4 whole days of beerfuelled concert rocking.
Won't lie, I was nervous, anxious, yet so excited for this event. It's the largest event for Silly Sir yet, and did not disappoint! Here were our highlights!
New Swag: Snapbacks!
We were cutting it close, but our new hats and shirts made it to us the afternoon before the start of the event! Not only do we have more sizes of our awesome gold/black shirts (not on a super duper soft tri-blend), we got some brand spanking new snapbacks!
We sold a good chunk of our first hat run at the festival and will soon be available in our online swag shop! Don't they look amazing!?
We had a wicked spot next to the stage and rocked out to Ludacris and Finger Eleven
Thanks to the amazing organizers of TFOB for setting us up on a sweet location right next to the stage. It definitely contributed to our success of the weekend. Not only were we hustling and working hard, we got to reap the benefits of seeing some throwback artists perform live! Friday was headlined by Broken Social Scene, then Saturday was completely lit when Ludacris hit the stage! Seriously it was wild. The crowd was completely backed up in front of our booth, so no real complaints there.
Saturday took a different pace with Dwayne Gretzky and Sunday was a complete throwback with Finger Eleven and I Mother Earth. There are embarrassing videos of me rocking out, and no regrets.
We were completely sold out at the end of day 3!
This completely blew us away! By the end of day 2, we were already getting nervous about the number of kegs we had loaded in at the beginning of the event. We thought it would be plenty for the entire weekend. With only 30 minutes left to go Saturday, our kegs were 100% dry. We made some phone calls and pulled it together to do an emergency run to our warehouse (which is closed on weekends) to pick up more kegs at 8am on Sunday morning. They really pulled through so we could continue to serve you thirsty people for one for full day of sun. Considering we are only pouring 1 product, thank you all for the support!

Guarding our last keg!

We're out!

Sorry ya'll! Bad problem for thristy people, not a bad problem for us!
Thank you to our volunbeers + event organizers!
I say this a lot, but we'd like to thank our volunbeers Amanda (the best pasta salad maker & snack queen), Trent (our sticker hustler) and Mike and Mark of Mosaic City Brewing! Who take time out of their busy lives to help get our beer to the masses! TFOB would not have been a success without you guys! Hope you had a blast and THANK YOU AGAIN!!!

Trent + Amanda, thank you!

Kept these guys in check all day!

If you ended up with a sticker on your back, you probably can blame this guy.

Thanks to my hype girls for bringing the party.
Big shout of to the organizers of Toronto Festival of Beer. For such a huge event, everything seems smooth sailing and we felt super welcomed even as a small fish among the big guns. Thanks to the beer pushing inventory team, who work hard way beyond festival hours (shoutout to my boy Foster!). And thanks to our beer neighbours Junction Brewing for pulling through when our tent nearly blew away! Nice meeting you guys!
We are still recovering and coming down to earth from the weekend. We are overwhelmed with positive feedback. It inspires us to keep going, get new products rolling, and hustle Easy Tiger to more corners of Ontario. So until next year...
Published by: Sara Yong in Events
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